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    YCIS QD International Day


    2019 年 04 月 19 日

    10 : 00

    • On April 12thYCIS celebrated International Day. The day began with the annual Parade of Nations. However, this year, classes and form groups studied a country in the weeks leading up to International Day. Classes collectively represented their assigned classes at the parade. Students from ECE to Year 13 creatively demonstrated their knowledge of the assigned country in a variety of ways which included speaking in the language of the country and performing traditional dances.

      International Day was largely organized by the Global Perspectives students as this activity will count as part of their assessment for the IGCSE. Economics students were responsible for the market portion of the event and their profits will be donated to charity.

      The event, which allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of nine countries, helped to support YCIS’ desire to cultivate internationalism within the school community.