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    Welcome Back!


    2019 年 08 月 20 日

    10 : 00

    • We are delighted to welcome back families who have been with us for some time, and we extend a special welcome to families who are new to our community this year. We are very excited about the year ahead.

      Over the summer break, there were extensive works undertaken around the school. These range from general maintenance, through to more substantial works, such as the new primary and secondary classrooms and some renovations in the school library and the playground area.

      Several new staff members have joined us in both academic and administrative areas. Our new international teachers will bring a wealth of experience from the USA, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

      Ours is a very close-knit and supportive school community and it is our fervent hope that all families will feel valued and supported by each other and the school. We encourage you to become involved in the activities of our strong Parent Organization (PO), which will have its first meeting on September 5th.We have so much to look forward to this year. It’s going to be a great one!

      Very Best Wishes

      YCIS Qingdao Senior Leadership Team

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