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    International Day


    2023 年 11 月 10 日

    08 : 57

    On November 9th, YCIS Qingdao students celebrated the annual International Day, one of the most anticipated school events of the year. On that day, our students embarked on a "global journey" within the campus. Let's have a look!

    National parades organised by each class have kicked off the International Day festivities. This year, we have a total of fifteen "national teams." They are:


    ECE: Korea



    The primary teams: Poland (Y1), Ireland (Y2), Japan (Y3), India (Y4), Mexico (Y5a), Argentina (Y5b), New Zealand (Y6);



    And the middle teams: France (Y7), Egypt (Y8), Canada (Y9), South Africa (Y10), Italy (Y11), the Philippines (Y12), and the United Kingdom (Y13).



    Wearing national costumes and having fabulous dances are a tradition during the parade, each year. The gym echoed with enthusiastic applause and cheers as everyone applauded the students' fantastic performances.



    After the parade, students engaged in cultural stations. Each station is decorated according to the represented country's cultural characteristics and offers enjoyable hands-on activities. In a joyful atmosphere, students can learn about the culture of each country and create exquisite craftwork.



    This year's International Day has also introduced national sports activities. Students played traditional sports from different countries, such as sack races, gumboot throwing, and cheese rolling. Through these sports, students not only appreciate the charm of different cultures but also develop physical fitness and teamwork.



    Dr Betty Chan, the CEO and School Supervisor of YCYW, summarises our educational philosophy with three words: Environment, Interaction, and Evolution. She believes that an emotionally and materially rich learning environment, coupled with high-quality multicultural interactions and relationships, can bring about internal transformations for every school community member (staff, parents, and children). We believe that the annual International Day will also cultivate a great sense of respect and understanding for diverse cultures in the hearts of YCIS Qingdao students.