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    New Journey with YCIS!


    2024 年 08 月 26 日

    11 : 26

    Summer holidays are over, and it’s a bright new beginning of another creative year of school life. The YCIS Qingdao campus is ready to be filled with laughter, learning and growth. Welcome back!In the new school year, new teachers and students from around the world have brought fresh energy to the YCIS school community.




    Of course, the start of the new school year wouldn't be complete without a welcome-back barbecue! Delicious food, music, dance, a bubble pool, and good friends and dear teachers who have been away for a summer made the barbecue party even more fun.



    Recognizing the importance of multiple intelligences and individual learning styles, YCIS nurtures all aspects of student growth including the intellectual, artistic, social, spiritual and physical development.



    This year's Welcome Back BBQ had CCA (Co-curricular activities) exhibition booths, where students can learn about and experience a variety of CCAs, such as football, basketball, volleyball, floral design, fashion design, woodworking, and art. These CCAs enrich students’ after-school lives and help develop their interests and potentials.



    Let’s start the new journey with YCIS! With every new lesson, may you discover the magic of knowledge. Dive in and make the most of this academic adventure.