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    Our Students

    Our campus is full of inquisitive, energetic and confident students from around the globe who see themselves as a positive force in the broader world.

    YCIS Qingdao provides an all-round education that shapes students into balanced and responsible citizens of the global community. YCIS Qingdao students excel academically, from Mathematics and Science, to Languages, History, and Geography. Arts and Music play a vital role at YCIS Qingdao, as much as sports, leadership, and service. These all help build an impressive and multi-faceted student group, well-prepared for the future.

    • Top in Academics

      YCIS Qingdao students are known for their academic excellence, including stellar examination results and impressive overall scholastic achievements. A rigorous academic programme, paired with a holistic approach to education, is one of the main reasons why YCIS Qingdao graduates are accepted into top-ranked universities worldwide.


      YCIS Qingdao is accredited by CIS and BSA as its College Board member. The School is also an authorised IB World School and CIE examination centre.


      YCIS Qingdao students consistently exceed the global averages for IGCSE and IBDP grades.


    IGCSE Results 2021

    Congratulations to the Year 11 students on their achievements in the International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSE) this academic year.


    Out of the returning students enrolled for their IGCSEs, many have received remarkable results:


    1. 40% of all grades achieved were A* or A
    2. 87% of all grades achieved were between A* and C
    3. 2 students who registered for the prestigious International Certificate of Education (ICE) received a distinction
    4. 100% A*or A in Additional Mathematics
    5. 100% A* in Foreign Language Mandarin Chinese
    • World Class International Baccalaureate Results

      IB Diploma Results 2021

      1. 100% of our graduates were awarded the IB Diploma
      2. The average diploma score of the class of 2021 was 39 – well above the worldwide average of 33.02
      3. The diploma mean grade achieved by our students was 6.13 as compared with the worldwide average of 5.19
      4. The highest score is 42 points, with 75% of students achieved 40 points or above

    Student Testimonials

    • Champions in Sports

      The education at YCIS Qingdao goes beyond the classroom and includes after-school sports and a Co-Curricular Programme. Athletic events and team-building play a critical role in developing globally competitive citizens who are prepared to meet and exceed the challenges of the future.


      YCIS Qingdao students compete in one of the most popular leagues amongst international schools in China: The Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS).


      We are also part of the local league QISN (Qingdao International School Network).


      Our students achieve individual and team sports awards in their leagues every year.


    • Giving Back to the Community

      YCIS students have many opportunities to interact with and support the local community and organisations worldwide. With Align with Love and Charity”, a crucial part of our school mission, YCIS students continue to develop individual character through our CAS programme, a significant element of our IB Diploma programme.


      What is CAS?


      1. Creativity – exploring and extending ideas that lead to an original or interpretive product or performance
      2. Activity – physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle
      3. Service – collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need


      CAS allows students to learn outside the classroom in fun and exciting ways where they can discover their strengths as well as areas for growth. They have opportunities to acquire initiative-taking and planning skills and persevere to implement plans. In addition, students can develop teamwork skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively. They will engage in global issues and consider the ethics behind different decisions and actions. Although such experiences will differ depending on each student's personality, talents and goals, every student has equal opportunity for learning and developing these critical life skills.

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