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    What is Education really about?


    08 Jan, 2024

    11 : 53


    Education, like a gentle spring breeze and nourishing rain, silently nurtures everything. YCIS Qingdao focuses on holistic education and believes that education should not be limited to academic knowledge, but that the development of students' character should also be emphasised.


    Last autumn, we had the privilege of inviting two YCIS parents with different cultural backgrounds to have a conversation in the autumn forest. This dialogue will give you some unexpected insights into how YCIS parents think about family education, school education and "what is education really about".


    【Dr Sharma :YCIS Y4 and Y8 parent】


    【Mr Zhang: YCIS ECE parent】


    Dr Sharma was born into a family of doctors, and her father influenced her from an early age. She believes that everything requires hard work and there are no shortcuts. She believes that desirable outcomes can only be achieved through diligent efforts. She hopes her daughters can inherit this spirit and strive to achieve her goals, no matter what they may be.


    Mr Zhang had a joyful education before high school thanks to his open-minded and supportive parents. During his middle school years, Mr Zhang had a shining youth. He loved music and basketball, and actively participated in various school activities, becoming the "popular kid" of his time. However, a setback in the college entrance examination dealt him a heavy blow. The exam results felt like a heavy stone that shattered his self-perception: a determined and passionate young man was deemed "unqualified" by societal standards. This setback led Mr Zhang to reflect on the meaning of education and what is education really about.


    【Dr Sharma and her father


    【Mr Zhang and his parents


    In response to the question raised by Mr Zhang, Dr Sharma proposed three keywords: confidence, respect, and aspiration. Dr Sharma believes that children will learn to face the world with confidence through an ideal education. Alongside confidence, they should also learn to respect everyone around them. Dr Sharma does not believe that career success is the only measure of successful education. Instead, she thinks that children should find their passions and ambitions in education, and pursue them wholeheartedly to achieve a fulfilling life.


    Mr Zhang believes that good education cultivates independent thinkers who are open-minded to different perspectives and bravely take responsibility for their choices.



    The debate between "laid-back parenting" and "tiger parenting" seems to be a global topic, and parents from different cultural backgrounds are constantly thinking about how to educate the next generation. As soon as the question "Are you tiger parents?" was asked, the two parents quickly found resonance with each other.


    Dr Sharma laughed and said that she was not a "tiger mom". She wants to be an approachable parent, but interestingly, she has a "tiger baby". Her eldest daughter was born in the Year of the Tiger and holds herself to high standards. Dr Sharma's approach to raising her daughters is to provide them with as much support as possible, both professionally and personally.


    Mr Zhang hopes to lead by example and become a coach to his daughter, taking on the responsibility of being a father and striving to fulfil his dreams. He wants his daughter to learn from him that life has different possibilities. Accompaniment is the main theme in Mr Zhang's parenting style. He tries to spend as much time as possible with his daughter, travelling together and cherishing family time every weekend. He strives to be not just a father but also a friend to his daughter.



    Mr Zhang and Dr Sharma feel lucky that they found YCIS in Qingdao. The school's educational philosophy and education system have attracted more and more high-quality international education families to gather here.


    Dr Sharma's family received a recommendation for YCIS Qingdao from her daughters' previous principal, "If you‘re going to Qingdao, you must pursue that school." After her girls attended YCIS, Dr Sharma was impressed by the multicultural environment, the bilingual education, the curriculum, and the richness of the school's activities and friendly Parent Organisation. She is delighted that she has chosen the best school for her daughters.


    Mr Zhang started learning about YCIS Qingdao when his daughter was just over a year old. They never missed the weekly Mommy and Baby experience class. When his daughter turned three, Mr Zhang didn't hesitate to enrol her in YCIS Qingdao. "My daughter and I enjoy every day at YCIS. You can feel openness and diversity here, and respect from the school and teachers. The school encourages us to participate in various activities, which is a great experience."



    The "Parents’ Talk" video series is a sincere sharing of YCIS parents' educational journey. YClS Qingdao is committed to global education, and we look forward to meeting more international education families here.